Writers' Voices: Valerie Gangas Shows Why Enlightenment Is Sexy™
This post originally appeared on Writers' Voices, written by Monica Hadley.
After her mother’s death, Valerie Gangas was in a dark place. After her first 20 minutes practicing Transcendental Meditation, that all changed.
She had what some people call an “Awakening,” and the pieces of her life started falling into place. Enlightenment is Sexy™ is the story of Valerie’s journey so far, from working for the David Lynch Foundation, meeting Oprah and eventually inspiring her to learn TM, to coming to Fairfield to write this book.
I thought to myself…. you’re not a writer, how are you going to do this? But I still woke up every morning and just had a strong urge to write so I kept doing it. Before you know it I had a book." ~ Valerie Gangas