How To Talk To God

How To Talk To God

“Inward is not a direction. Inward is a dimension.” 

~Sadhguru Jaggi

Most of us were brought up to believe that God was on the outside. That He was some old dude with a long white beard, sitting on a throne somewhere in the sky. When I really think about that notion, I actually laugh out loud because it couldn’t be further from the truth!  I’ll admit that I too bought into that false idea for the first half of my life until I had my own very direct experience with the big cheese in the sky. 

It happened when was in my late twenties and I had just gotten into an argument with my then boyfriend. We broke up and I was completely devastated because in those days, an event like a breakup would totally  take me down. Those days are now long gone, but I digress. After the dramatic turn of events, I found myself on the bathroom floor, crying hysterically from the emotional turmoil. It actually felt as though I would physically die from pain I was experiencing. At the very peak of my hysteria, I heard a loud, clear voice, echoing throughout and around me. It wasn’t a human voice at all. It was actually coming from inside myself. 

I “heard” the words, “BE KIND.” And with that, I immediately stopped crying, stopped thinking, and got off the marble floor. My mind and body were suddenly blown open and the veil lifted. I knew something major had taken place. I heard God speak, followed by a profound inner shift.  The movement came from somewhere deep inside of myself as absolute truth. I also knew that I had somehow broken through to the other side and was forever changed. On that day, those two words, pulled me into a new way of being. 

As soon as the trance lifted, I called my mom. She was a deeply spiritual person who had spent years studying the mystics- people who have had direct experiences with God and were able to verbalize it. I told her exactly what had happened and there was silence on the line. She was quietly crying, and then I started crying. We both knew that something major had taken place on that bathroom floor that afternoon. This was the beginning of my direct experiences with God. 

Years later, my mom passed away and I hit rock bottom. Suicidal thoughts, complete surrender to a higher power (I’d clearly lost all self control) and a radically transformational spiritual practice changed my reality.

There was a series of events and it went a little something like this.

1. My mom passed away.

2. I felt like I died right alongside her.

3. I couldn’t work, think, take care of myself or function.

4. I started to plan my suicide.

5. I completely surrendered to God and told Him (well, myself) that my life was in His hands, and he had to either help me live or help me kill myself.

6. I learned Transcendental Meditation just two weeks later, and in just one meditation went from being suicidal to “waking up” in the arms of God. 

I had received a miracle. This miracle had arrived in the form of extreme pain, complete surrender and a beautiful spiritual practice that would allow me to talk directly to God, and go inward on a regular basis.

Very quickly after learning TM, I began having experiences of other dimensions and communicate with dead relatives. There was a knowing inside of me that I had not felt before. It was the kingdom of heaven vibrating from within. I KNEW that my meditation practice was guiding me to deeper levels of myself that in turn, lead me to direct experiences with God. I was God and God was me. I was an extension of His awareness and through silence I could access that reality. 

This at first was very shocking. I realized that everything I thought I knew was wrong. My fear of death went out the window. I began to completely trust my intuition because my ability to communicate with universal knowledge was turned on full force. I felt protected, at peace, and full of radiating joy, having found a way inward. Accessing this knowledge that isn’t normally accessible. I had learned that nature, silence, meditation, creativity, following the signs and living my truth were all ways to chat it up with the cosmos. These days, when I sit and meditate, I immediately fall into God’s love inside my own being. I seek the Kingdom of Heaven within first, and with this knowing plus a grounded action plan, all things shall be added on to me.

Peace & Love,



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