Let Go and Let God
"“Hold the vision, trust the process.”
~Author Unknown
Are you holding on to the life YOU want?
Do you feel like YOU know what is best?
Do you have every second of your existence planned out like a ninja?
Stop it.
Being a control freak only invites anxiety into your life and takes you on the express A-train right out of the coolest town ever: Now Town.
Of course, we all have goals, dreams and deep desires. That’s human and totally healthy. What isn’t healthy or productive is pushing against life (which, yes, includes other people) with your conscious or unconscious demands. You know . . . the old refrain: “Dammit, I want what I want when I want it!”
When we get caught up in the narrow-minded path of “My way or the highway,” it’s likely we’re ripping ourselves off from some really kick-ass cosmic adventures. “So,” you might be asking, “how should I address this compulsion toward ‘Little Miss Perfect’-ism?”
Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia
By Elizabeth Gilbert
“I'm choosing happiness over suffering, I know I am. I'm making space for the unknown future to fill up my life with yet-to-come surprises.”
Well, for starters, you could start by turning your dreams and goals over to God/the Universe (whatever you’ve named your Higher Power) and then confidently sit back with glittering eyes while the Cosmos orchestrates the delivery in a big-time way.Sure, you may very well may get a “sign” (or signs) indicating you’ve got some “action steps” to perform. You know, like when your intuition whispers to you (for example), “Yeah, I should call so-and-so . . . I’ll bet she knows someone who could help me”. Right?
After a couple rounds of playing this version of Life’s Ultimate Game, you’ll probably see that when you chillax, take intuitively-guided action (a must) and just stay open to moving towards your dreams, the Universe will reward you handsomely.
At the same time, my experience has shown me that we must be willing to flow with life and be open to “changing directions.” Having the ability to realize when something isn’t working and shifting gears when necessary is a gift that just keeps on giving.
The Universe will show you the way -- it’s only requirements are that you believe, and watch for any signs you’re given."
So no, you don’t have to be totally psycho and micro-manage all the how’s in your life. I suggest you commit, instead, to making trust & faith your closest confidants . . . and then with one foot in front of the other, walk (or dance) right on INTO your dream reality.
The Universe will show you the way -- it’s only requirements are that you believe, and watch for any signs you’re given (and act accordingly).
May you discover the unexpected, make room for the uniquely spectacular, and enjoy the ride!
Yippee Ki-ay!!!
And hey, tell me: How do YOU roll with plans from the Universe?
How do YOU determine when it’s time to make a U-turn?
Inquiring minds want to know.